Schlagwort-Archive: Weihnachten

Merry X-Mas und frohe Weihnachten

Dear friends of Alytes,

currently sailing (well, actually motoring) in the midst of the Java Sea
from Kalimantan towards Singapore, we wish you all a merry, merry x-mas.
A happy gathering of family and friends, on the beaches (for all you
Aussies, Kiwis and Pacific Cruisers) or in luke warm regions of the
globally warmed Europe and the US (for all the others).

With a bit of luck our x-mas will be celebrated together with Alytes
fourth crossing of the equator. The good old ENO oven was constantly in
use for home made cookies, cakes and a turkey-surrogate (actually
chicken pieces, you take what you get). The salon is heavily rigged with
tree, candles and lights. The presents are wrapped and there is some
precious wine in the stores as well as a final bottle of champagne. It
will not make it to the northern hemisphere…

Mina is still recovering from a brilliant birthday party with a lot of
very hairy friends. It was a blast. Those Orang-Utans have to catch up
on table manners, thats for damn sure (pictures to be delivered as soon
as we are back under WiFi or 3G cover). She says hello to all her more
shave friends and family at home and a big thank you for all the mails
she received.

Tide and weather permitting (we did read our O’Brian), we will reach
Singapore on the 28th or 29th of December. In case we successfully dodge
Singapore’s stict AIS-guardians, we will update the blog with some fine
stories from Komodo, Bali and Kalimantan while having a Singapore Sling
in the One°15 Marina.

Fair winds to all you sailors, cheers to all others,
Mina, Heide and Fritze